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ID360 provides identity solutions services, designs developments, and deploy advanced technology for interconnected systems and devices to enable seamless personal digital identity verifications across differentiated businesses and services providers based on the way individuals interact with public and private institutions, to facilitate digital transformation efficiency.
ID360 adopts global standards in developments and operational models processes all in alignments with regulated national ID schemes and digital signatures acceptance to empower businesses and governments for the good of societies and people.
ID360 envisions well that security, users-control, and data privacy and protection are essentials to extend digital identity into online and mobile services for seamless users’ experiences, conveniences, and customers satisfaction all in compliance with international standards and national regulations and guidelines.
Digital identifications platforms and applications ecosystems are key enablers to digital economy with increasing mobility and internet access accelerating smart cities developments with growing number of connected devices, machines, and systems requiring associations trust for hardware and software big data feeds and analytics.
Technology to business innovation aspire ID360 ideation and designs to create and achieve value propositions, outline developments, scope operational approaches for scalability, define data security guidelines based on risks assessments for interconnectivity, and recommend optimum operation platforms as in clouds services on premises and or hybrid solutions.
Conceptualize digital transformation initiatives roadmaps, structure data feed models for analytics, define projects scope and developments requirements, optimize designs for ecosystems solutions services and operations.
Systems and applications architecture designs for back-and front ends self-services portals, advanced technology enablement, and Cloud services aggregation assessments based on best standards.
Seamless day-to-day processes executions for multiple businesses and operational activities to ensure stakeholders satisfaction, secure real-time data feeds for analytics, reporting, and tactical agility.
Expedite visitors ID digital registry to buildings and facilities seamlessly for access control, operational management activities, and governance
Consignee identity verification for liable trustworthy personalized items and goods delivery, and reliable logistics services activities trust
Instant identity verification digitally for private and government public businesses and services provisioning, to enhance customers satisfaction
Associate HW + SW big data feeds correlations for analytics to empower law enforcement tactics, public safety and security
KYC compliance digitally to provide financial, educational, healthcare, and insurance services, to facilitate business intelligence reporting
Facilitate products and goods Warranty Records Management for claims to enhance consumer rights, protection governance, and users satisfaction